The business environment is multi-dimensional and open to many kinds of risks. The lack to insure against unforeseen risks such as fire and theft or indeed public liablity can have a great, and sometimes crippling impact on key businesses. At Hamilton's we offer obligation -free quotations Business policies are tailor-made and designed to offer :
Maximum flexibility - all businesses are different are the type of cover required depends on not only the nature of the business but also the location
A ability to select from a whole list of optional guarantees
The ability to split payments up and spread the costs over the year
When living in a community, it is not just the individual home that matters but the whole community and surroundings. Apart from the upkeep of a community, it is important to make arrangements for any unforeseen problems and risks. At Hamilton Insurance we offer flexible cover with set basic essential cover and additional optional guarantees such as 24 hour assistance, water damage to personal belongings and numerous third party liabilty options.